You can track changes on any website with Obserwise by Datapare

September 12, 2018

Datapare is one of the services that we love, and also one of the services that has their logo placed on Hackquarters main page. Datapare is a competitive intelligence platform that helps to monitor your market competitors.Obserwise is a new service from Datapare, which is completely free for casual users. What Obserwise does is, as its' name says, that it "wisely observes" and tracks changes on a webpage you specify.

Track your competitors for free

After you click on their website, you need to copy & paste the URL of the webpage that you want to track. Then Obserwise creates an image of the webpage so that you can choose the area of the webpage that you want to track. And there are endless possibilities on how you can use Obserwise.For example, I'm using Obserwise to track top posts in a subreddit. Whenever monthly top posts change in r/cryptocurrency, Obserwise sees the change and reports me via email. You can track discounts on a certain item in an online store. You can track new job opportunities in your dream company, from their HR page. You can even track your competitors so that whenever they launch a new campaign, you get notified almost instantly.Obserwise is completely free for casual users, and fairly cheap even if you want to use it professionally. You can get more info and use Obserwise by Datapare completely free on their website.

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