Murat Unver

Murat Unver

Trainer, Business and Entrepreneur Mentor, Coach

Trainer, Business Development Consultant, and Mentor
TOBB(The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) and EU Delegation Accredited Trainer(Via ABİGEM),
TUBİTAK Mentor, Facebook Mentor
Co-Founder, Member of TÜGİM
Lecturer in the company in association with ABİGEM(Some branches of European Union Business Development Centers in Turkey), BAUSEM(Bahçeşehir Uni. Lifelong Learning Centre-LLC-), İstanbul Aydın Uni. LLC, BST, BİYMED…
Business development mentor at TÜGİM, GarantiPartners, BOUN TTO, BAUICE,…
Canvas Business Model and Pitching trainer and coach at BAUICE, BTM, DreamBIGG, Hackquarters, StartersHUB, GarantiPartners, WorkUp, …

Skills and Interests

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